

The Beginning

In 1887, a Colorado woman, a priest, two ministers and a rabbi worked together in new ways to make Denver a better place. They created an organization which would become the United Way. The monies they raised with their first-ever campaign supported 10 area health and welfare agencies through emergency assistance grants.

But, we're not your great-great grandfather's United Way.

Today's United Way

Prior to being a United Way in 1985, the organization was known as the Community Aid Chest. Throughout the years, the organization has always supported non-profit development, planning, and funding. In addition, United Way of Tulare County has various programs such as our 211 Information and Referral Call Center, where anyone can call, text, or visit the website (www.211tularecounty.org) for resources. Our College Access Initiative’s primary focus is to help students and their families navigate education and how to continue their education after high school. We provide tools for technical, certificated, 2-year and 4-year education programs along with financial aid and scholarship information. We are also proud to work closely with the County of Tulare in disaster response. We actively participate in providing assistance to those affected by drought, fire, flood, etc.

The Continuing Need

For over 125 years, United Way has been the world's largest privately funded nonprofit organization. Today, the world needs the United Way more than ever, but change doesn't happen alone. We have one life. To live better, we must Live United.