Need Help With College?
Middle and High School students can find support with:
Financial Aid
Admissions Deadlines
College Prep
Post-Secondary Education Options
SAT/ACT Testing Guidance
FAFSA Guidance
Career Exploration
Test Prep
College Options
Academic Planning
Social Emotional Preparedness
Study Tips
Resources for Any Students
Receive Text Reminders and Resources
Step One - Choose Code
G2c2024 for College Freshmen
G2c2025 for 12th grade students
G2c2026 for 11th grade students
G2c2027 for 10th grade students
G2c2028 for 9th grade students
G2c2029 for 8th grade students
G2c2030 for 7th grade students
Step Two - Text Code to 515-55
*Standard texting fee may apply.
Paso uno: elija el código
G2cs2028 para estudiantes de noveno grado
G2cs2029 para estudiantes de octavo grado
G2cs2030 para estudiantes de 7mo grado
G2cs2024 para estudiantes universitarios de primer año
G2cs2025 para estudiantes de 12 grado
G2cs2026 para estudiantes de 11 grado
G2cs2027 para estudiantes de décimo grado
Paso dos: envíe el código de texto al 515-55
* Se puede aplicar una tarifa estándar por mensajes de texto.
Increasing Awareness and Opportunities
We know education is important to determining future achievement. And, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to have a quality education. So, our College Access Initiative (CAI) program, developed specialized text campaigns (both for middle and high schoolers) to provide urgent and ongoing information to students, school counselors, and parents via text. This innovative and easy-to-use system provides individualized updates based on the student's high school graduation year.
Creating a College and Career Culture
Our College Access Initiative focuses on increasing the number of students who graduate from high school and who are prepared to succeed in post-secondary education, including vocational training. The primary goal of the Initiative is to develop expertise and resources to enhance college access services and programs in Tulare County. The initiative strives to support students, parents, and schools to create a "college and career readiness culture," by providing ongoing influence, advocacy, evaluation and active guidance.
Students and Counselor Identify the Need
By surveying high school students and counselors in Tulare County, we found education gaps. The report contains the results of focus conversations, resource mapping, and the counselor professional development survey. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate these gaps so Tulare County students succeed.